Tasks and Job Description – Kienda’s Commitment to Joining the Team or The Raggle-Taggle Gypsies
Wednesday Morning, March 16, 2016 – Marin Valley, California Edgar greeted me, “The raggle-taggle, late-again gypsies are here. You...

The Interstellar Team joins me on my journey to Los Angeles and shares some new experiences: Latihan
Monday Morning, March 7, 2016 – San Jacinto, California Edgar Mitchell and his group have been joining me on my life adventures, as well...

For Every Truth there are at Least Two Lies and a Rant to Myself
Thursday Morning, March 3, 2016 – Marin Valley, California I awoke hearing Edgar say, “For every truth there are at least two lies. We...

Edgar’s First Classic Rant
Tuesday Morning, March 1, 2016 – Marin Valley, California “If you come dragging your sorry little ass in here late all the time, this is...

The Cosmic Christ and The Interstellar Team
Sunday, 5:00a.m. February 28, 2016 – Marin Valley, California After my usual meditations, we (my posse and I) were presenting ourselves...

Humans are in a Little Manipulated Bubble
Wednesday Afternoon, February 24, 2016 – Marin Valley, California I went in search of Edgar Mitchell this afternoon, however, there was a...

The First Meeting
Saturday Morning, February 6, 2016 – Berkeley, California Ignacio * called and asked me to look in on Edgar Mitchell* the astronaut, who...